A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 363: Chaos ensues

Chapter 363: Chaos ensues

Coughing and gasping for air the players stood up shakily. Most of them had taken a good hit to their HP, but the physical damage was not much so they were not at risk of dying. At least...

The undead who had been in the explosion though had been instantly vaporized. Though quite a number had reacted quickly enough to escape the flames which now brightly burned between the undead and the small group of centaurs, humans, and demi-humans.

The soldiers had yet to act, all still frozen and unsure what to do. Vivian had actually been halfway over the fence when the arrow had arrived and the shockwave had sent her tumbling back.

A stalemate ensued as the undead spread out, deciding to try and go around the flames. Only for two more arrows to land and block their approach. However, when this happened one of the demons finally had enough.

Charging forward it started absorbing the flames, his body becoming covered in them yet he did not seem hurt at all. Instead, it seemed like the flames empowered him, flames appearing in his gray eyes as he hurled a stream of flames at the still stunned audience.

"Fuck!" A voice traveled through the air as a lithe elf dived down with a small kite shield just large enough to cover her petite body. Her landing causing a crater as her shield dug into the ground and sent out two yets of air. Cutting through the ground as they diverted the blast.

Before the demon could attempt his attack again he was suddenly picked up by a massive bird. The talons ripping into him, yet his flames scorching some of the roc\'s feathers. Luckily the roc was highly resistant to flames, though it dared not risk the demon attempting a proper attack. So after lifting it to the air it let go. Letting the flaming demon fall from above the treeline.

Such a drop should do little to the demon, but an arrow quickly found its way to him. Only to be blocked by a charming pale man floating in the air. Short blond hair flowing slightly in the winds produced when he caught the arrow and nullified its magic.

All this happened in a second or two, most of the audience unable to even realize what had happened. Only able to see the damage suddenly before them. A massive line formed in the ground with all the ground on the other side burnt.

"What the-" Nikki\'s question was interrupted as another shockwave arrived from afar. So strong that many of the trees a bit closer to the origin were uprooted, almost everyone losing their footing.

"Retreat!" Elizabeth shouted, knowing one thing for sure. They would not even stand a second, not even half of one.

Yet, her shout did not result in a change. Most were still too shocked by what had happened.

Finally, Itireae slowly stood up from her haunched position and pulled out her shield, a longsword appearing in her right hand as she looked at the army before her. She cared little for most of them, though there were far more that she had to watch out for than she had hoped.

As she pointed her sword towards the undead and demons, Mneme landed next to her and stared at them fiercely. Puffing up its feathers to appear more intimidating.

For a moment another stalemate ensued as shockwaves kept being created a short distance away. Constant strong winds arriving as two clashing titans moved away to not decimate their own allies.

\'What the actual-\' Eldrian did not finish the question as Itireae suddenly charged at the undead. The roc jumping into the air and following her from above, ready to save or help her if needed.

Her actions seemed insane, however, just seconds later an orderly army of centaurs rushed past the audience and into the fray.

So chaos started.

All Eldrian could think of was to keep Vivian from joining the fray... And that the quest was a joke.

The difficulty of the quest was quite ap and not something players should think of succeeding in. There was no way he could actually protect himself or even make a difference. When those in the fight clashed the shockwaves would send most of them flying. Often even causing them internal damage.

Not to even mention the spells that robbed the life or unlife of all those it touched.

Everyone who was below a certain Tier quickly withdrew. From the thousands who had charged in, only a few hundred stayed in the fight.

The undead did the same, and once they were organized they tried to charge at another part of the fence. The legion\'s weaker members rushing to stop them.

The players were all taken by the sights of the fighting titans, Eldrian, however, turned around and rushed back past the fence. Finding the other soldiers rushing to the fight where they could actually do something.

Grabbing Vivian\'s arm, Eldrian pleaded, "Don\'t!"

Vivian paused for a second, yet when she heard the clash of the two groups she could not stay put. "We can\'t!"


Vivian shook her head and Eldrian sighed, "Together then!"

Nodding in approval the two rushed out together. Yet as they neared the undead Vivian suddenly pulled apart and shouted for Eldrian to stay at least 2 meters away.

\'The hell-\' Just as Eldrian was going to rush in to stop a claw coming for her, flames burst from the Nelida\'s Flame. Setting all the undead aflame as Vivian turned to block the claw with a counterattack that robbed the undead beast of its leg.

Eldrian nodded as he realized what her plan was. He did not know the specifics of the ability, but he knew that it was very draining. At most Vivian could keep it active for 10 seconds, longer and she would risk being too drained to even move.

So Eldrian ducked and dived through the messy formation of the undead to keep up to her as she did her best to move as fast and far as she could. Her plan simple and dumb, but effective. A wall of flames, 2 meters wide and nearly a hundred meters long was made in the undead formation.

The flames weren\'t strong enough to outright kill the undead, at least not instantly. Yet the damage they took was nothing to scoff at. With only unwilling and lower-ranked undead in this group, the flames acted as an effective deterrent.

It should have effectively cut off all the undead past the fire, yet the undead reacted quickly. The Flaming Reanimates who were immune to fire damage rushed through the flames and aimed for Vivian. Eldrian\'s heart dropping as he rushed to block their attacks, sent flying when two attacks landed on his spear.

Luckily his block was enough as the soldiers broke through the abandoned undead and made it to them. The captains quickly each picking a Flaming Reanimate as those under them took on the rabble.

"That was fucking insane," Eldrian said as Vivian helped him up.

Out of breath, Vivian smirked in reply. Taking a deep breath as she rushed at one of the now-abandoned undead. Eldrian following her example but making sure to stay nearby, constantly using Aoidos\'s ability on her to keep her energy up.

He was so focused on fighting though, that he could not take the time to cast even Tier 2 spells, hence at best he would also Anthizo on her when he found a slight respite. The undead quickly shifting the fight. Their reinforcements moving around the flame wall. Yet it gave the soldiers time to eliminate most who were caught on the wrong side of it.

Strangely, or rather as expected, Eldrian had far more mana than Vivian and nearly as much stamina. Hence he could actually last far longer in a prolonged fight such as this one. Especially after she did something that crazy.

Somehow, after a few minutes, the crew from Phoenix Division found them. Judith rushing into the undead while Therdul and Nikki flanked Eldrian and Vivian. Their appearance lifting the pressure on them as the flames from Vivian\'s recklessness started dying down and the number of undead arriving increasing.

"That was really smart!" Judith shouted as her blade shattered three skeletons in half. Not killing them but her following stomp on their skulls doing so.

"Yeah, without it it would have been hard to keep from being overrun by their numbers," Nikki added as she dodged the claw of a massive undead direwolf and returned the favor by thrusting her sword into its head. Only for it to swing its head back and steal her blade.

Luckily she was not alone, Therdul rushed forward and swung his double-headed axe with all his might. Normally he would always use a shield and a small single-handed weapon, however, in the chaos that was a melee he had realized that a heavy weapon fared far better.? Especially if there was no formation.

His attack did not kill the undead, but it did enough to allow Nikki to retrieve her sword. Only for the undead to be killed outright by one of the clerics in the Thunder Legion.

"It was really dumb!" Eldrian countered as he stepped to the side to dodge an incoming arrow, returning the favor with Forst Needle. Knowing it would do basically nothing, yet his target was not the undead. Instead, the icicle snapped the bow\'s string as Eldrian swung to stop a sneaky blade from making it to Vivian\'s back.

Yet to his utter shock the strength behind the blade was like nothing he expected. Desperate Eldriand threw Thera at the undead while he recovered and blocked again. The spell damaging the undead, but more than that having caused it to stutter just long enough for his second attempt at blocking to succeed.

Though Eldrian was sent onto his back from the blow.

"Vampire!" He shouted while letting the surroundings become just that so he could focus and cast Volida.

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