A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 865 Back To Taur For Shopping (1)

Eldrian had sent Crystoi with Solvi to be repaired, along with a thousand golds. While a hefty sum, enough, in fact, to buy himself a high grade Tier 6 or low grade Tier 7 weapon. But he did not want a new weapon he was unfamiliar with.

Besides, Crystoi still held secrets he wished to discover, and he was already bonded with it. Unbinding was not a simple process, and it was why choosing the Tier 5 and higher items carefully was important. After all, Eldrian could currently only bind with 5 items in total.

As for the voidstone and Mov Crystal, he had placed them both back in his inventory. Unsure what to do with the former, and planning to let the latter gather back its mana stores when possible. For now, however, he was heading back to the capital.

Somehow, through either Solvi or Ceph, his guild had learned of his new \'godly\' given quest. Naturally, Elizabeth and the others were fully invested in helping Eldrian, though they knew they could not match him in a fight.

They could, however, offer him great help during scouting and scouring an area to find a specific target. Erik had also set to prepare potions to help Eldrian during and after his fights, mostly for in case he died, the dryad was preparing as many resurrection potions as he could find.

Naturally, the guild couldn\'t suddenly abandon their missions with the kingdom. But Artis, the guild run by Robert and more of a crafting guild than a combat one, had taken most of the supportive roles off of Phoenix\'s hands.

No longer needing to send half their players to keep logistics running, the guild had more people free, despite the kingdom\'s situation deteriorating by the day.

Eldrian planned to use one of the temples in Elomir after resting for the day to return to Taur as he was reading through his messages. His struggles to free Crystoi having mentally drained him. He planned to get a good night\'s rest before anything else.

Upon the new day\'s arrival, he got ready to set for the capital, but paused as he noticed his quest had been updated.

"What on earth?" he mumbled, opening the quest to view the details.

He had gotten a new option in stage 1. Instead of requiring him to defeat a foe, this option required him to save a certain someone in the city of the dead. A certain Adriana.

"Why would you ask me to save her?" Eldrian questioned the goddess. Sadly, the quest had no further information to answer his questions.

Speculating, Eldrian thought of what he knew of the goddess who had handed him this quest. She was the goddess of magic and was looking for entertainment. \'If she noticed someone, it has to be because they did something unique with magic. Perhaps this Adriana is a newly founded candidate?\'

This was the simplest explanation Eldrian could fathom, and considering where she was—according to his map she was at least three thousand kilometers from Taurus, right in enemy territory. There was little chance she would survive on her own.

The entire option reminded him of when he was being secretly guarded by the dwarves while a devil (Milgoroth) was hunting him. Thinking back on that, Eldrian shivered. In all likelihood, this option would be more difficult than killing an ancient beast or a devil.

Despite realizing this, he wasn\'t keen on abandoning a potential candidate. After all, in time, the average man and woman will not decide the invasion. The only ones truly capable of deciding the flow of the war are the truly strong. To that end, they needed as many strong as possible on their side.

\'Though this will not matter for the next dozen years. And I know from experience that attempting a rescue is likely to go askew.\'

Recalling his first venture to Avgi, Eldrian wasn\'t fond of the prospect. The distance to cover was no small amount, and the pursuit was certain to be strong. Not to mention the drain that the land of the dead had on the living.

\'I\'d hate to endanger the others, but this will be impossible without Ceph. And if I wish to succeed, I must contact Vivian. Her blue flames will be our strongest trump card against the undead, and might allow us to pass through the land without as much of a drain... but first, I need gear and then I need to talk to Levana.\'

With his thoughts settled, Eldrian informed Ceph of the new development and headed to Taur alone, while Ceph headed to Ganalin to find Vivian.

"Greetings!" an amicable old catkin greeted as Eldrian entered the store. "I remember you! You said you were looking for something light, preferably with support magics, right?"

Nodding, Eldrian followed as the lady showed him a circlet of engraved Rikolium gold and Mithril. At the center, it had a small green gem, most likely a crystal attuned to either wind or nature.

"This is something we\'ve been struggling to sell, you see..." Going on to explain, she said that most would rather buy a helmet.

You couldn\'t use it with, not just because it would be extremely uncomfortable, but the proximity will also cause the magic of the items to interfere. It was the same reason you couldn\'t have as many rings as your fingers could fit.

Nodding while half listening to her extolling the circlet\'s virtues, Eldrian inspected it with mana sense. The work was certainly masterful and beautiful, but he cared not for the latter. In fact, he felt awkward about wearing a circlet. It was normally more a thing for women. However, he hated helmets more than he felt awkward.

Sure, they protected your head, but most also obstructed your vision. They were also extremely uncomfortable. And, in the end, the opponents he was likely to face would cut through any normal Tier 5 helmet with ease. And those who cannot shouldn\'t be able to touch him, regardless. Making a helmet kind of obsolete.

Perhaps if he strung for a Tier 6, but he needed to prioritize. He only had 3000 gold to spend.

While the adventurer\'s guild had been nice and only asked for 5000 for the Mov Crystal, they had rewarded him. A steal for sure. It still left him with only 4000 to use for his gear. His estate needed funds, and then he sent a thousand with Solvi to repair Crystoi. Which left 3000.

[Tier 5 Circlet (Circlet of Eknisia)]

[A magic item designed with care, its power is drawn from a gem of Aventurine. Said to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner. The gem\'s powers have been naturally drawn out through careful inscribing that harmonized with the gem.]

[Armor: 23]

\'Oh, that isn\'t too bad, considering it\'s basically made out of gold,\' Eldrian mussed. It won\'t be able to take a direct hit, but it might survive a glancing blow. Though, in either case, Eldrian realized he would probably be dead. The best part, however, was the circlet\'s MR.

[Magic Armor: 73]

\'That is seriously impressive.\' Still nodding along to the lady\'s extolling, Eldrian scrolled through his spell list. \'Not sure what the magic armor will protect, but it\'s really high. Should be able to stop even Tier 5 spells...\'

Pondering with his hand on his chin, Eldrian wondered if this would protect him from mind attacks. Either way, he was already quite happy with the item. It being Tier 5 should also mean it would be relatively cheap.

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