Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 829 - Meng Chang’s Magical Cloud, Boss Pei’s Five Finger Mountain

Chapter 829: Meng Chang’s Magical Cloud, Boss Pei’s Five Finger Mountain

In the afternoon...

After a busy morning, Qi Yan finally arranged everything that she had planned.

She had officially offered to hire these outstanding vendors as the Cold-Faced Lady’s gourmet consultants. Zhang Yahui immediately agreed. The other vendors were still hesitating. They said that they would give their answer after a few days.

Obviously, many vendors were bringing their families along. They had to communicate with their families before making this decision.

However, Qi Yan was very sure that this would be a win-win decision for the Cold-Faced Lady and the vendors.

These Gourmet Consultants would follow the proper recruitment process. Qi Yan also intended to learn from Fish-Catching Take-Out. She wanted to set up a small gourmet laboratory that included professional chefs, outstanding food vendors and nutritionists who would be in charge of chemical testing and nutritional balance. They would develop new snacks together.

Fish-Catching Take-Out was Boss Pei’s business, and he would definitely approve of it.

Boss Pei would probably be very impressed if she created a food laboratory for Fish-Catching Take-Out, right?

Even though she had never met Boss Pei before, Qi Yan could roughly guess his intentions based on her understanding of him.

The Gourmet Laboratory was also very important to street food.

Meng Chang was not wrong to compare local snacks to fast food in China. However, at the same time, he had to realize that there was a long way to go before local snacks became a real fast food brand.

Those fast food brands looked very simple. They were nothing more than fried chicken, fries, hamburgers, and so on. However, the entire supply chain, crafts, and research ability of the new products could not be underestimated. They had accumulated over a decade or even decades. They could not be caught up in a day or two.

Perhaps Meng Chang knew this very well and felt that it was impossible for him to do it. That was why he chose the conceptualization and the path of earning quick money.

There was a saying that there were only two ways in the world: one was the right way, and the other was the easy way.

Meng Chang chose the easy way while Boss Pei chose the right way.

Qi Yan felt that she had to carry out Boss Pei’s will in her position and strategy since Boss Pei had already found a way to break out of the situation, giving the cold-faced lady a chance to be reborn, and had already given a clear path to this terminally ill brand.

While Qi Yan did not know what the Cold-Faced Lady would become in the future, she was suddenly filled with confidence!

She stood up to get a cup of coffee after she was done with her work. At the same time, she checked on her colleagues in the office.

The overall situation was more complicated.

Apart from the store front, Cold-Faced Lady also had an office area. She rented a workstation in an office building near the store. Meng Chang was quite willing to spend money on the project. There was coffee, drinks, afternoon tea, snacks, fruits, and so on. The working environment was also very good.

After Tengda took over, everything remained the same. There were no signs that they were going to cut down on benefits. Everyone was very satisfied.

However, everyone’s current working attitude was different.

Some of them were obviously trying to slack off. They looked confused and lost. Some of them looked complacent and wanted to find something to do, but they did not know where to start.

After the Cold-Faced Lady changed boss, the original marketing activities were basically cancelled. Those in charge of marketing activities went all out to organize the Street Food Contest. However, now that the contest was done, they naturally had nothing to do.

There were also some people who were filled with worry for the cold-faced lady’s future.

They might not have seen the article, nor did they know about Boss Pei’s plans for the Cold-Faced Lady. They only felt that the company was going to fail sooner or later based on the current state of idling around. They would survive one day at a time, thus, they were more passive.

Qi Yan felt that she had to think of a way to boost everyone’s morale.

She had some ideas after being enlightened by Boss Pei. However, these ideas needed to be carried out and needed the cooperation of the others. If everyone continued to be so negative, Qi Yan would not be able to complete the tasks very well even if she were to assign tasks.

However, if she wanted to boost morale, she had to find an opportunity to convince everyone.

However, if she were to give a speech or inject steroids, the effect would definitely not be good. It might even backfire.

Qi Yan thought about it. That article was good.

Now, her colleagues did not have any fighting spirit and felt lost. The main reason was because they were unclear about the Cold-Faced Lady’s past, present, and future development. They would know about Boss Pei’s plans for the Cold-Faced Lady as long as they read this article, everyone’s working condition would definitely improve!

She immediately found the author online and was shocked to find that he had published another article!

What’s more, the title of this article was even more explosive than the previous one: Cold-Faced Lady: Meng Chang’s Magical Cloud, Boss Pei’s Five Finger Mountain!

Qi Yan was stunned. Cold-Faced Lady again?

Publishing two reports in such a short period of time, was he going against the Cold-Faced Lady?

Qi Yan was as confused as she was surprised.

That was because she knew very well that this author only wrote real articles. There was no need for him to write two or three essays for the same issue, repeatedly rubbing salt onto the wound.

From this point of view, this author was much better than those marketing accounts.

This was another article about the Cold-Faced Lady, which must be because the author had found a new content and angle.

However, the article on ‘The Breaking and Rebuilding of the Cold-Faced Lady’s Reputation Through The Street Food Contest’ had already detailed the difference between Meng Chang and Boss Pei’s management concept. It seemed to have been written very clearly on the topic of Cold-Faced Lady.

The new article was titled ‘Magical Cloud’ and ‘Five Finger Mountain’. What was he trying to do?

Was he filming Journey to the West?

Qi Yan clicked open the article with confusion.


At the beginning of the article, he briefly mentioned the previous two articles. They were ‘Cold-Faced Lady’s so-called Internet thinking is nothing more than an act’ and ‘The Breaking and Rebuilding of the Cold-Faced Lady’s Reputation Through The Street Food Contest’. These two articles predicted the bankruptcy of the Cold-Faced Lady led by Meng Chang and the series of changes that Boss Pei would undergo after taking over the Cold-Faced Lady.

The author even added a link between the two essays as a reminder to the readers. It was also a hint to the readers: I’m not trying to ride on your popularity and kick you while you’re down. I had already raised my doubts when the Cold-Faced Lady was at her peak. This article of mine is full of good stuff. It’s completely different from those marketing accounts that look for information online!

Then, he entered the main text.

However, before that, the author had specially used a short paragraph to hint to the readers that the article this time was different from the previous two times.

“I decided to change my writing style after much consideration due to the content. I’ll review the entire Cold-Faced Lady’s rise and fall from Meng Chang’s point of view. There might be some subjective views and historical references by this author, but I can guarantee that the key plot of the entire story is objective and practical. If there are any flaws or fallacies, I welcome everyone to criticize and correct me.”

Qi Yan was even more surprised.

The previous two articles were written from a bystander’s point of view. They were mainly objectively narrated and analyzed. The articles themselves might be filled with laughter and curses and there were some ‘divine metaphors’ that people took delight in talking about and were generally in more traditional ways.

However, this time, the author was going to write from Meng Chang’s perspective?

Qi Yan felt that the article was not simple and continued reading.


“November 8th, 2011, was a Tuesday. On this day, a young man named Meng Chang came to the building of Dream Realization Ventures in Jingzhou. He wanted to start his career there.”

“He had a very grand plan and a very loud slogan, but almost no one can guess what he was really thinking about.”

“Meng Chang should be someone with a performance personality and his acting skills are not bad.”

“However, what he did not know was his heart must be filled with regret two months later, when he looked back at this Tuesday morning.”

“The Cold-Faced Lady went from being established to becoming popular all over the internet, and then to being doubted and destroyed. That’s exactly what the ancient saying goes: ‘A country falls as abruptly and rapidly as it rises.’”

“Before the Cold-Faced Lady, no one would have thought that such a popular online restaurant brand would fail so quickly and completely.”

“The fate of the Cold-Faced Lady has been decided since that Tuesday morning.”

“Meng Chang chose Dream Realization Ventures as his first target for a very simple reason: he felt that the money there would be easy to obtain.”

“Meng Chang will be called a ‘perfect entrepreneur’ in the near future, however he is not qualified to stand in front of the table now. His resume is not bad, but he has nothing else. His resume and eloquence alone are not enough to support him in fulfilling his dreams and goals. Other investors will give him money, but this money will definitely be accompanied by an unlimited liability agreement or buyback agreement. That is something Meng Chang cannot accept.”

“In fact, Meng Chang only took ‘hot money’ in one instance from the beginning to the end. What’s more, he is only in debt for a few million yuan. He’s completely incomparable to entrepreneurs who are in debt for hundreds of millions.”

“However, other entrepreneurs might not have signed similar agreements because of recklessness. It could also be because they still believe that their entrepreneurship can succeed. Meng Chang might not have signed similar agreements because he was cautious. It could also be because he knew from the beginning that his entrepreneurship was just a performance: He would be left with nothing after all the glory.”

“As Tengda Corporation expanded, Boss Pei, the ‘God of Investment’ who would reap profits with every investment, decided to transfer his energy to other places. Dream Realization Ventures would follow the rules he set and invest money in those startups step by step. This allowed Meng Chang to see an opportunity.”

“Meng Chang got the money as he wished and used ‘Boss Pei Investments’ as a topic to create hype. He even held a special news conference to explain the beautiful future of the cold-faced lady to the investors. From this, it can be seen that Meng Chang’s passion for marketing is deeply ingrained in his bones. He desperately pursued popularity without considering the possible backlash in the future.”

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