Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 153 Princy Castle

Xzavier was surprised at his own self. He was getting pretty darn good at this game of smoke and mirrors. He knew he couldn\'t very well just walk up to the governor and mention Princy Castle- that would have made Quaid put a bullet in Xzavier\'s head with the same weapon Xzavier had given him. Xzavier knew he had to coy, sly, and slick about this. It was the language Quaid understood very much.

Quaid was undoubtedly excited! Not only was Xzavier a hot-blooded male, he was also part of the elite species of males who had a taste for the much darker side of sexual intercourse. Having to share whores was an ordinary man\'s dream. But to own a sex slave in body and in soul- that was the stuff of powerful men, it was the nectar of the gods. And Xzavier was on that track!

Though the governor didn\'t show it outwardly, he was elated! This was one more chance to have a greater hold on Xzavier! Calmly, he replied Xzavier;

"I think I know what you mean. It\'s all good. Try and get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I will take you some place special."

Xzavier purposely looked at Quaid suspiciously, knowing that was what the governor expected him to do. Quaid in turn saw the look Xzavier had given him, and thought that he had piqued Xzavier\'s interest now. That was all he needed.

"Relax Xzavier, it\'s nothing to fret about. However, one thing I assure you though, you will never remain the same again…"

Convinced that he had hooked Xzavier into his snare now, Quaid bade Xzavier goodnight and returned back to his work. It was only after Xzavier had banged the door behind him, that Quaid allowed himself to smile one of his evil maniacal smiles.

"So Xzavier…turns out you\'re one of us aren\'t you?"

On the other side of the door, Xzavier was also smiling as he made his way back to his bedroom. Both men were playing games. The other thinking they had the advantage of being ahead. It was a beautiful mess.

Xzavier went to bed, but didn\'t get much sleep. Oppression was something that disgusted him greatly. And he was getting increasingly irritated by the fact that he had been a guest of one who partook in such a heinous endeavor. He cursed himself for believing that Quaid was above it all. In actuality, Xzavier was being unnecessarily hard on himself; there was simply no way he could have known. Quaid was a master deceiver. He had taken precautionary measures with Xzavier- and it had worked beautifully.

He couldn\'t believe how blindsided he had been all this while. he thought about all the poor girls being held against their will. He thought of how hopeless their situation was and how no one gave the slightest bit of care about them. Xzavier began to boil with anger in his bed. He was obviously enraged. He knew he had to do something. Clearly, no one else was going to.

The very next morning, before sun up, Xzavier jumped out of bed to begin his training. It was his hope that he would get some clarity with some physical exercise and a new rush of adrenaline. He could do with a change of scenery and his lungs could do with some fresh air.

A few minutes later, as the cool early morning wind rustled through his hair, while Xzavier went for his morning run, he mulled over his plans for the day. Even as he jogged around the mansion\'s grounds, he put his body on autopilot, and began to run different simulations in his head. He tried to set everything in order as he would normally do before going on any mission, but he discovered that there were too many unknown variables.

For one, he didn\'t know the location, nor the terrain, nor the general environment. Babara had done her best to paint a vivid picture of the notorious Princy Castle, but her description lacked all the core elements of a tactical point of view. He couldn\'t blame her, she was after all just a civilian. Xzavier guessed that since it was a secretly veiled spot, then security was going to be tight. That was the one thing he was sure off. Great beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and trickled down his face.

Actually, Xzavier wasn\'t bothered about the security part. He was more than capable and more than equipped to handle a small army of well-trained mages. The problem was how to rescue the Janae girl in question without raising any suspicions on his own end. It would be a real phenomenal task, getting her out of there. Xzavier was running around in circles, physically and mentally. He decided to just go along with his original plan- treat this outing with the governor as a reconnaissance mission.

The first rays of sunlight began to streak across the horizon, so he decided to round up his jogging. He clocked his time and headed back. A short while later, as Xzavier made his way towards his living quarters, he saw a servant nervously standing by the door, waiting for him. Xzavier was puzzled, this had almost never happened before. The servant saw his shadow darken the hallway and abruptly turned to face him.

Xzavier had gotten used to the servants acting like this around him.

"Is there a problem?"

"None at all Baron. The governor has requested that you join him for breakfast at the dining area."

"Right now?"

"Yes Baron."

Xzavier sighed. "Inform him I\'ll be there."

Xzavier was a bit sweaty from his morning run. So, he hurriedly cleaned himself up and put on a change of garments. Each and every time he put on the clothes that had been arraigned for him by either Adalia or the other servants, Xzavier felt like he was in a school play or in a costume party. He never quite got used to it.

In a jiffy, Xzavier pulled open the wide doors of the dining area and walked in smartly. To his surprise, it was only Quaid that was seated at the long mahogany dining table. The governor always tried his best to have breakfast with his family every morning. But apparently, today was the exception.

"Good morning governor." Xzavier greeted his host as he strolled over to the seat that had been prepared for him. A different maid pulled back the chair for him, and he sat down. Quaid sure liked his maids beautiful.

"Morning Xzavier. Hope your night was peaceful?"

"Indeed it was."

"Good, have some breakfast. We leave in five."

Xzavier declined politely. "Actually, I\'m not so hungry this morning."

Quaid shook his head disapprovingly; "I suggest you eat up Xzavier. Trust me, you\'re going to need your strength much later on…"

Xzavier instantly understood and made to dish out some food on his plate. But Quaid stopped him saying;

"Come on Xzavier, you\'re a Baron now, you need to act like it."

He snapped his fingers at the maid, commanding her to do her job. Xzavier gritted his teeth. Quaid was getting rather cocky. He never passed up on any chance to show Xzavier that he was a powerful man, and he had the authority to give orders as he wished. Xzavier wasn\'t a fan of the whole bit. His hands were perfectly fine. What was the point or having someone else do it when he could do it himself?

But he wisely kept his calm and allowed the maid to dish out his meal. As soon as she uncovered the lid, the rich aromatic smell of freshly fried bacon and eggs filled the entire room. The inviting aroma wafted through the air and hit Xzavier\'s nostrils immediately. The reaction in his mouth was instantaneous as his mouth begin to water. This was very unlike the governor. He was usually careful about his diet. But today\'s breakfast was rich in high-protein.

After heaving a decent helping onto Xzavier\'s plate, the maid pulled up a goblet, and filled it with freshly squeezed citrus juice. He watched the whole process as the beautiful maid served him methodically.

"Come on Xzavier, what are you waiting for?" Quaid goaded him on mischievously, "Get in there and enjoy yourself!"

Xzavier didn\'t need to be told twice. He dug in with his fork and knife. But much to his surprise, after taking only a few bites, he was shocked to see that he was satisfied. It was an incredibly rich breakfast.

After breakfast, Xzavier and Quaid rolled out of the mansion in the custom made coach, and pulled into the streets. As they eased their way down the hill into town, Quaid decided to poke the bear a little bit.

"Honestly Xzavier, I never would have figured you for the type…"

Xzavier shrugged nonchalantly, "I guess you can never really know people…"

"I guess you can\'t." Quaid echoed his rhetoric.

They sat in silence for the remaining course of the journey as the horse-drawn carriage majestically strolled down the hill and into the city. Up until he had come to this isekai, Xzavier didn\'t realize just how oddly appealing carriage rides were. He looked through the window as they pulled through the busy streets of Victoria City, until they finally started to leave it all behind.

Xzavier couldn\'t ask what direction they were headed because he wasn\'t all too familiar with the City entirely. He knew a couple of popular landmarks, and this had been enough for him to get around on his own. But other than that, he hadn\'t really gotten around to exploring the city at large. As the journey progressed, Xzavier discovered that even if he had asked, he wouldn\'t have gotten any definitive answer. But the looks of it, they were headed to nowhere.

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