Reverse World

Chapter 28 - 28 – End of the weekend

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 – End of the weekend

The five of them continued to complete the golf course in a similar mood, with the three ladies fawning on him. Benjamin\'s grandmother couldn\'t help making fun of them from the side.

"Hehe, Ben, look at Lauren now. She is cold to strangers but when she opens up to someone, she would become the warmest and most faithful friend. And Vera is not that different from her. Kiddo, you could probably ask them for anything right now and they would do it for you. They got into a lot of trouble when they were younger because of that personality trait of theirs."

Vera and Lauren rolled up their eyes at that comment but didn\'t deny it.

"I won\'t, I didn\'t come here to get anything out of it in the first place. I just wanted to spend more time with you, grandma. Of course, meeting your friends at the same time was a pleasant bonus."

That surprised the three women and Angel remarked.

"What a sweetie. I wish my grandson was the same as you. He is in his rebellious period now and his parents are having a hard time with him."

That started a debate about teenage boys and everyone added their opinion to it, making it a very animated discussion. Overall, that was how the golf course came to pass and they took around five hours to complete it, everybody chatting and having a good time. Angel had been assigned to prepare sandwiches for everyone and they all shared those for lunch. Benjamin became a bit better at the sport while the three women had completely opened up to him by the end of the day. When it was time to say goodbye, the ladies looked regretful, and he had to promise to join them another time in the future.

In the car on the way back, Benjamin\'s grandma addressed him.

"Thank you for coming, kiddo. It\'s been a long time since I saw them so happy."

"You\'re welcome. What about you, grandma, did you enjoy your day?"

"That goes without saying! Ahahah!"

Benjamin smiled at seeing her so cheerful. He felt that coming with her today was the right decision and decided to continue spending more time with his family members.

They soon arrived at home and Benjamin separated from her to spend some time studying in his room. A few hours later, he went down to prepare dinner for his family. During dinner, everyone was curious about how his day with their grandmother went. His grandma was the one to answer.

"We joined with my friends and enjoyed a day of golfing together. We did an 18 holes course, that\'s why it took so long."

"Your friends, grandma? Male or female friends?"

"All female."

"Oh my God! Are they all like you? Were you alright, Ben? They didn\'t do anything strange to you?"

His mother was suddenly concerned about him so he reassured her.

"Of course not, Mom. They all had very different characters, not like grandma at all. They were very nice to me and we spent the day golfing and chatting."

"Good. Remember to always be very careful around women, even old ones. There is no exception to the rule."

That was something he had been hearing often since he moved to this world. He decided to tease his mother a bit.

"Even you, Mom?"

She made an embarrassed expression when he used her logic against her, which made everyone else laugh. Chloe then sent a question of her own.

"But spending your whole Sunday golfing with grandmas, wasn\'t it super boring, Ben?"

"No, it was nice. Golf is much harder than I expected so I tried hard to improve. There is also a lot of walking involved, it\'s not an intensive effort but more like an effort over a long time? Still a good physical activity. We had good weather too, it was a nice day overall. Why don\'t you join next time, Chloe?"

"Me golfing with old grannies? No way, that\'s so lame!"

"It\'s not often but I agree with Chloe this time."

"Same here."

"What did you say, you little twerps?"

Nova and Grace went with the same opinion as Chloe. Just like that, they started fighting and as it went on, they involved more family members and went to physical attacks, until it became a massive brawl, with hold moves, spanking, and a lot of tickling everywhere. Of course, they didn\'t dare to involve Benjamin, who was left eating at his seat. The situation was seemingly a common occurrence for his family in this changed world and Benjamin watched over them fondly, although he had been very surprised the first time it happened. Some participants, who lost the most in the fight, sometimes went to him for some comfort and he soothed them until they were ready to go back to the melee. The one more on the quiet side, Olivia, always tried to stay out of it at first but eventually got invariably swept away by the flow, when some others targeted her for no other reason than the fact she was not participating. He believed that this whole thing was how the rowdy females in his house showed their love for each other.

After this had gone on for some time, Benjamin decided it was enough for the day and clapped his hands.

"Enough. Come back to finish eating dinner."

They all instantly stopped, let go of whoever they had a hold on at that moment, and docilely went back to their seats. It was at times like this that Benjamin was becoming aware of his current influence in the family. For some reason, none of them wanted to displease him and they generally didn\'t go against him too strongly. He thought it was probably a mix of the fact he was the only man in the house as well as the one making the food for the rest of them. And perhaps also due to his recently changed attitude, though he couldn\'t say for sure since he didn\'t know how it was before.

They all finished eating, half embarrassed by their conduct and half feeling refreshed by the physical activity. Once everyone was done with the food, they cleaned up everything and went back to their respective rooms. Benjamin continued to study some more before going to bed early on, ready for another busy week.

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